Apa teman-teman sering dikasih pekerjaan rumah oleh guru? Tetapi anda kebingungan untuk mengerjakannya? Sebenarnya ada banyak cara untuk menyelesaikan tugas tsb, salah satunya adalah dengan belajar kelompok, disamping itu mendapatkan cara menyelesaikan di situs online bisa menjadi cara yang baik sekarang ini.
Kami mempunyai 1 cara menjawab dari Make a dialog based on the situation given! When your boyfriend or girlfriends handphone. Unexpecte.... OK langsung saja baca jawaban lebih lanjut disini:
Make A Dialog Based On The Situation Given!
When Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriends Handphone. Unexpectedly You Read Messages From Another Boyfriend Or Girlfriend Who Said Lovely Things To Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriend. You Feel Angry About It And Talk To Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriend About It.!
Jawaban: #1: bf; i want to talk, it's urgentgf; what is it? u sounds scary
bf; it's nothing. i just want to ask u something. that's all
gf; yeah, what is it
bf; when you were talking to ur friend, ur text was beeping
gf: well?
bf; i didn't intend to know who that was, but the message kept beeping three times
gf; oh, those messages. nothing to worry about
bf; who is xxx? why did he send u message like that
gf; he was just teasing u. he knows that u r a jealous boyfriend
bf; what???
gf; come on. forget about the messages. it was my brother u know?
bf; really?
gf; yes it was. get
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Itulah cara menjawab mengenai pekerjaan rumah di atas, semoga dapat bermanfaat!