Jawaban dari "ACTIVITY 8 Rewrite the sentences and change the verbs in the brackets into the past form! 1) Yesterd..."

Apakah anda suka diberi tugas sama guru? Tetapi kamu kebingungan untuk menyelesaikannya? Sebetulnya ada beberapa metoda untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah tsb, termasuk dengan belajar kelompok, selain itu mencari jawaban di situs online dapat menjadi solusi yang baik saat ini.

Kami punya 1 cara menjawab mengenai ACTIVITY 8 Rewrite the sentences and change the verbs in the brackets into the past form! 1) Yesterd.... Silakan lihat cara mengerjakan lebih lanjut di bawah:

Rewrite The Sentences And Change The Verbs In The Brackets Into The Past Form!
1) Yesterday I (decide) To Go To The Beach Because The Weather (be) So Beautiful.
2) It (take) Me About An Hour To Get Ready.
3) I (find) My Bathing Suit, Towel, Sunglasses And A Good Book.
4) Then I (pack) All These Things In My Beach Bag.
5) Finally, I (be) Ready.
6) I (see) It Was Raining,
7) I (wait) For It To Stop, But It (continue).
8) Unfortunately, I (have) To Stay Home Yesterday.

Jawaban: #1:


1) decide - decided, be - was

2) take - took

3) find - found

4) pack - packed

5) be - was

6) see - saw

7) wait - waited, continue - continued

8) have - had

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