Jawaban dari "D. Look at the picture and the description. Re-write the description to make it correct. PAM STEVE O..."

Apakah kamu banyak diberi pertanyaan sama guru? Tetapi teman-teman tidak bisa menyelesaikannya? Sebetulnya ada banyak metoda untuk mengerjakan soal tsb, salah satunya adalah dengan cara bertanya pada kakak kelas, selain itu menemukan kunci jawaban di situs online bisa jadi trik pilihan sekarang ini.

Kami punya 1 cara menyelesaikan dari D. Look at the picture and the description. Re-write the description to make it correct. PAM STEVE O.... Silakan pelajari cara menyelesaikan selanjutnya di bawah ini:

Look At The Picture And The Description. Re-write The
description To Make It Correct.
Steve Is Reading A Newspaper. The Children, Sam And Eric, Are Plaving
with A Ball. They Are Both Wearing Sunglasses. Pam Is Cooking Chicken.
She's Laughing Because The Smoke Is Getting In Her Aves. Jo Is Standing
with Her Mother And Is Listening To Music On Her Personal Stereo. She Is
caring An Orange. Fred, The Dog. Is Lying On The Grass Asleep.​

Jawaban: #1:


Steve ia reading newspaper.

The children, Sam and Eric are playing ball.

They both are wearing sunglasses.

Pam is cooking chicken.

She is laughing because the smoke is getting ini her aves.

Jo is standing with his mother and they are listening to music on her personal stereo.

She is caring an Orange.

Fred, the dog, is lying on the grass.

Pogacar Sunglasses - kirjustenblogi

Pogacar sunglasses. Pogacar believes

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