Jawaban dari "do you feel that expressing love to your parents is different from that of to your girlfriend? why"

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Kami punya 2 cara menyelesaikan atas do you feel that expressing love to your parents is different from that of to your girlfriend? why. Silakan pelajari cara mengerjakan selanjutnya di bawah ini:

Do You Feel That Expressing Love To Your Parents Is Different From That Of To Your Girlfriend? Why

Jawaban: #1: In my opinion, yes. Because parents is part of our family. they're the closest people around us, and when we're expressing our feeling to them. it felt different. sometimes we're shy or else to express our feeling to our parents. but when we're expressing our feeling to our boy/girlfriend its totally different. well maybe it's because we're knowing them for a short time, and we don't know their true behavior maybe

maaf kalau salah ya.. Jawaban: #2: Yes.Love from our parents is more than from our girlfriend/boyfriend.Love from our parents is no end.Because our parents took care of us from baby until an adult.While love from our girlfriend/boyfriend is not as big as love from our parents. Podium / Urska Zigart of Slovenia Girlfriend & Tadej Pogacar of... News

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