Jawaban dari "1.What is the relation between Melissa and Yola? 2.where does the dialog probably take place? 3. whe..."

Bila sobat lagi mencari jawaban dari pertanyaan 1.What is the relation between Melissa and Yola? 2.where does the dialog probably take place? 3. whe..., maka teman-teman telah berada di web yang benar.

Kami punya 1 cara menjawab dari 1.What is the relation between Melissa and Yola? 2.where does the dialog probably take place? 3. whe.... OK langsung saja pelajari cara mengerjakan selengkapnya disini:

1.What Is The Relation Between Melissa And Yola?
2.where Does The Dialog Probably Take Place?
3. When Will The Program Begin?
4. Whose Watch Is Broken?​

Jawaban: #1:


2. The dialog most is most likely to take place in a school.

3. The program will begin at half past eight.

4. Yola's watch is broken

Mara Taquin- Fiche Artiste - Artiste interprète - AgencesArtistiques

Mara taquin- fiche artiste

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