Bila anda mau berusaha menemukan cara mengerjakan mengenai pertanyaan Which of the following plural forms is grammaticaly incorrect? a. Melissa brings a pile of dishes b...., maka kamu sudah berada di tempat yang tepat.
Laman ini punya 1 cara mengerjakan atas Which of the following plural forms is grammaticaly incorrect? a. Melissa brings a pile of dishes b..... Monggo baca cara menjawab selengkapnya di bawah ini:
Which Of The Following Plural Forms Is Grammaticaly
a. Melissa Brings A Pile Of Dishes
b. Are Those Girls Your Classmate?
a There Are Insects In Your Drink
d. I Put Three Cakes In The Box
e. This Are My Brother's Photos
Jawaban: #1: Jawaban:
karena seharusnya "Melissa brought a pile of dishes" bukannya "brings"
Mara taquin- fiche artiste
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