Jawaban dari "27. Tuesday, 13 march 2018. What is the date? a. It is Tuesday, the thirtieth of march, two thousand..."

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Penelitian menyebutkan bahwa cara belajar dengan penggunaan strategi mencari cara menjawabnya bisa meningkatkan hasil pada mata pelajaran.

Kami ada 2 jawaban atas 27. Tuesday, 13 march 2018. What is the date? a. It is Tuesday, the thirtieth of march, two thousand.... Monggo pelajari cara menjawab selengkapnya di bawah ini:

27. Tuesday, 13 March 2018. What Is The
a. It Is Tuesday, The Thirtieth Of
march, Two Thousand And
b. It Is Tuesday, The Third Of
march Two Thousand And
It Is Tuesday, On March The
thirtieth Two Thousand And
d. It Is Tuesday, On March The
thirteenth, Two Thousand And

Jawaban: #1: A. It is Tuesday,the thirtieth of March,two thousand and eighteen Jawaban: #2:




13 March 2018

dibaca juga:

"on March the thirteeth, two thousand and eighteen

semoga membantu :)

*Maaf kalo salah

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